How We Can Help

We provide responsible funds management for churches and agencies, enable planned giving through which individuals can support Christian ministries, and provide education and support in financial stewardship and leadership.

  • Responsible Funds Management

    Responsible Funds Management

    Why open an account at the Foundation? Because collectively we can accomplish more than we can alone. An investment with the Foundation is an investment in your church, community, and Conference.

  • Education and Support in Financial Stewardship

    Education and Support in Financial Stewardship

    We empower the churches, agencies, and individuals of the Western PA and Susquehanna Conferences to respond as disciples of Jesus Christ in financially supporting Christian ministries.

  • Strengthening Ministries

    Strengthening Ministries

    We strengthen and empower ministry. Whether by helping donors support ministries they love, awarding grants for new programming, or providing quality educational programming to clergy and church leadership.

The Latest

  • Laity Academy Graduate Launches Online Faith Journal Community
    Laity Academy Graduate Launches Online Faith Journal Community

    Bev Schweigert, a member of Indiana: Trinity UMC, was part of the third class to experience the Laity Leadership Academy. Through her participation the Academy, Bev became convinced that she should be more intentional about her devotional life, ...

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Or give us a call 800-743-2128